sábado, marzo 01, 2008


Ahir realment va ser una gran tarda pel que fa al rugby universitari!
Es van disputar dos partits a la Marbella... el primer arbitrat per mi, UPC vs Taurons! Van guanyar els Sharks!i el segon un combinat de Cocos (10) i UPC (5) contra els taurons... i varem guanyar! Gran partit!
Destacar la gran actuació dels mes novatos: Pimienta, Cool d'Suck, Brutus i kPrici! Es van veure grans accions, carreres mitiques del Pimi i en Brutus, i grans tackles del Kutty i el kPrici.
Pel que fa als que ja comensen a ser veterans: tremendo partit de Chercoles i Kornella. Bon match tambe pel toxic man, Arrebato!

Ara be nanus.... el que realment va ser increible ahir tarda/nit va ser el tercer temps! Feia temps que no veia re igual. Com es habitual el tercer temps amb la Upc i Taurons no va defraudar...
Pocs Cocos ens vam quedar per donar el callo, pero vem deixar el llisto ben alt.... Cul de Sac, Brutus, Chercoles, Arrebato, kPrici, Pimienta i Satan. Vam guanyar una touch a birres contra la Upc, varem fer el maxim soroll possible pels pocs que erem, ells devien ser 20 per ekip. i varem demostrar que els reis de la "taula ensabonada" som nosaltres! He de dir que vaig guanyar contra el capita dels taurons (Augusto) i el de la Upc (Padu) i el Brutus em va emocionar al dir... "podriem dir que ja ets mig homosèxual"... quin honor! el cami a la gloria esta a prop.
Felicitar a la Viuda Negra que ens va fer de suporter tota lestona i ho va donar tot... kin sol de dona!
A les 2.00h de la nit varem sortir del local despres de ballar, fer algun que altre ruck i direcció al Plata... com es normal en aquests desplasaments sempre es perd gent.... pero aixo ja es una altre historia!
Una abrasada Cocos! Poc a poc ens anem consolidant com a equip (dins i fora el camp).
Ens veiem dilluns, sa de preparar el match contra els anglesos... encara no mu crec. Cocos a England... aiaiaiai



  • on podem aconseguir totes les fotos que es van fer aquell dia?, si pots poset en contacte amb algu de la UPC per tal de poder gaudir-ne tots del record!! gracies

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    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 01 abril, 2013 09:08  

  • The business delivers 1 [url=]mua chung groupon[/url] for every day in every single of the markets it serves. The Groupon features as an assurance deal making use of ThePoint's platform: if a certain amount of individuals sign up for the offer you, then the offer will get to be obtainable to all if the predetermined minimum is not attained, no one will get the offer that day. This minimizes menace for retailers, who can deal with the price cut codes as amount discount rates as nicely as product sales advertising tools. Groupon assists make money by sustaining about fifty % the money the consumer pays for the coupon.

    For illustration, an $eighty massage could be acquired by the client for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $40. That is, the retailer offers a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get close to $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a fifty%/50% split up). Or, if $240 value of property portray solutions is bought by the client for $50 through Groupon, then the group receives $25 and Groupon retains $20 5. The client gets the massage, or the home portray provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at initial paid out $forty (or $50) to Groupon. There are certain firms to which Groupon at 1st did not give its options, like capturing ranges and strip golfing products even so, shooting ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.

    Not like categorised advertising and marketing, the support service provider does not shell out any upfront cost to just take element: Groupon collects person knowledge from ready customers and then contacts only people buyers, mainly by daily e-mail, who could most likely be fascinated in a distinct items or providers.

    Groupon employs a large amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the discounts showcased by e-mail and on the web site. Groupon's marketing text for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing factor to the track record of the internet site, that includes a distinct combine of total reality-inspecting and witty humor.

    Owing to Groupon's market place location becoming mostly composed of female customers, the bargains are typically targeted on the wellness, wellness and magnificence markets.

    There are possible difficulties with the firm style. For case in level, a effective offer could quickly swamp a tiny company with also a lot of consumers, jeopardizing a chance that consumers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be sufficient merchandise to fulfill the want. Hole, a enormous clothes retailer, was in a position to handle 445,000 coupon codes in a countrywide deal (regardless of the simple fact that it competent server troubles at 1 position), but a smaller sized enterprise could flip out to be out of the blue flooded with consumers. A single specific espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in clients for three months, when it bought shut to one,000 Groupons on the a solitary working day it was provided, according to a solitary report. In reaction to associated problems, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions need to be capped in progress to a practical volume.

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